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Frequently Asked Questions

Why hire someone for nutritional support? Isn’t my ND enough?

If it was that easy you’d be doing it already. Many of us have years of baggage to unpack before we are ready to make difficult changes. We want your ND onboard with your journey. Please plan on getting a relatively fresh set of labs before our work together. Also please mention to your physician you’d like them to collaborate with your coach.


What if my doctor won’t take the time to collaborate with my “health coach?”

We have referral information for a number of highly qualified physicians who accepting a diverse spread of insurance companies. We don’t require a physician to be involved, but collaborating with your physician is a powerful resource in the process.


How much does it cost?



Therapy is on a sliding scale with adjusted rate preference given uniformed service, first responders, K-12 educators, and mental health practitioners. The maximum cost per 50 minute session is $100.



Lifestyle, nutrition, and professional coaching aren’t offered on a per-session basis. The process begins with agreeing to a set of goals and objectives before we begin.  A package often includes 8-10 synchronous meetings via a combination of face-to-face, video chat, and the occasional work out in the community. A common timeframe for a package is 2-3 months. Regular asynchronous communication (e.g. Google Docs and email) regarding goal completion is expected between scheduled synchronous meetings.


Why would we go meet in a public place?

There are a number of client confidentiality considerations regarding going out into public with your therapist or coach. But, there are also a number of compelling reasons to get out of the office. The grocery store and farmers market are an incredibly rich learning environment. Also, sometimes we prefer therapy to happen while hiking than while we are sitting in a chair. These are just a couple of examples, but I absolutely cannot require that if you aren’t comfortable with it.


What if I’m unable to finish my coaching commitment (financially or otherwise)?

I’d like you to visualize for a moment the purchase of a coaching package as an exchange of energy rather than an exchange of money. Money has a lot of weird stigmas surrounding it. When we exchange energy we achieve a synergistic change. The sum is greater than it’s parts… if you will… Committing to a coaching package is a leap in many ways. It’s a huge dig-deep commitment to change, but it’s also often a financial leap. If you are worried about money, and the cost, and what you are getting for your money, we are doomed! Please openly communicate at any point during our work together if you are feeling doomed. I’m not going to hold anyone hostage financially or otherwise.  My primary mission is to facilitate the rapid and thorough achievement of goals. We will find a solution that doesn’t involve unnecessarily parting with your hard-earned money!

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